The Virgin Birth Debate
There are a lot of people out there these days who claim that Isaiah 7:14 is not talking about the Messiah and the miraculous birth of Yeshua. The entire context of these early chapters of Isaiah is about the eventual judgment of both houses of Israel. They are both under attack. The hope and promise that our Creator is giving to Ahaz is that ONE DAY, (chapters 4 and 11), YOU WILL BE REGATHERED from your dispersion and be brought HOME. Ahaz is given the sign to look for in the one who will do the regathering. Not specifically Ahaz himeself, but the following generations who will come much later. A woman conceiving is not much of a sign. The word sign is meant to be a miracle. Conception between two people is not a miracle in itself. However, conception in a woman who has not been known by a man IS indeed a Miracle.
Why on earth would Ahaz be asked to choose a sign (miracle), whether from the depths below or the heights above and then after his refusal, God choosing a sign of something as simple as normal conception between two people. It makes no sense!