Contact us
I’m open to come speak to your fellowship or group event for free but I only ask that you cover any travel expenses. I will only travel to 3 speaking events per year as my priority focus needs to be on my family and home. If you want to schedule me for a speaking event, please fill out the form above and give me all the details of the even that you can.
The form to the left is the best way to send a message to reach Zac at
Please keep in mind that I don’t have time to respond or even read every message. I’m a one man show and my priorities are:
My kids and inlaws
Earning a living
Making videos for both channels
This leaves very little if any time for responding to messages or comments. I cannot help you find land in the Ozarks. I’m not a realtor. I cannot solve your bible arguments with your friends. I will not get into an email debate with you about whatever argument you have.
I barely have time to breathe and I still have laundry to fold and dinner to make. On the off chance I read and see your email and you catch me at the right moment, I may respond.
ALL THAT SAID: I appreciate the prayers and words of encouragement for me and this ministry. They mean so much to me and I could never express my gratitude for the love that so many have shown me. THANK YOU! You are truly a blessing to me and my family.