The misunderstanding of the book of Galatians is a landmine that many people step on only to find later they […]
The Book Of Enoch is the most alluded to and quoted book in your Bible. It’s true! And what is […]
Figs – The Bible is clear that you can eat them. Locusts – Insects that leap with jointed legs are […]
The knee jerk reaction seems to be avoiding unclean animals as if they are a sin. This is not the […]
Most people today only familiar with meat purchased at their local grocer. So when you have never butchered an animal […]
There is a lot of BUZZ around facebook about honey not being Kosher and not being a scripturally clean food. […]
Its amazing to me just how much some people will defend their position despite when being shown exactly what the […]
Often I get asked the question about eating meat. Because after all God is love and he would never think […]
Are Mushrooms Kosher? Is Seaweed Kosher? ANSWER: Sperm = THE SEED. It’s just that simple. Stop making the Torah complicated […]
The Christian claims He is the Messiah, The Jew says He is not. Both have their reasons based on achieved […]